Meera Atkinson

*this is a fictocritical vignette embodying the gibbon by way of Dr Malone's words

We are the Hainan black crested gibbon and there are 17 of us left we are your history humans as disturbers we are within you it's a constructed process we are the human animal boundary gibbon the neglected ape not the great ape we are their history we are within them the marginalisation of us we are primatology's shifting gaze less than 10% original forest remains on Java and there are 17 of us left and do you know what that means us silvery human encroachment they take for trade and into their homes and reserves then came a tiger a supernatural being the forest has been dramatically altered by logging and we, taken as pets, need ethnographical methods but listen it was scary (the forest) not because of the ghost or the devil but  because of the animals (the absence of them) take our word this place is haunted spine chilling that's why it's important between forest and animals only 17 of us anywhere a place must have inhabitants right an expert says the study of nature is powerful, and power is cultural but listen there are only 17 of us we can count you know 17 yes 17

7/14/2013 07:44:34 am

many thanks for creating this lovely and powerful vignette!


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